Lemon Salt Recipe

Lemon salt will add a little sunshine to your day. Easy to make and adds a bright flavor to everything from your favorite meals to chocolate to your cocktail glass!

  • Zest of 1-2 Lemons or Limes (fresh or dried can be used)
  • 1 cup Salt (any good salt you like will work. Avoid table salt)

  1. Add salt and lemon zest to a bowl and blend till combined.
  2. Leave to dry out for a couple of days, or place in your food dehydrator or oven on the lowest setting for about 6 hours. Stir occasionally.
  3. Make sure it is completely dry and then place it in a jar with a lid.

Alternatively, dry out your lemon zest first and then mix it in with the salt once it is dry. Add it to a jar with a lid. Enjoy!
