How to Make Lemon Extract

Add a little sunshine to your pantry shelves. Lemon extract adds a punch of bright flavor to any dish, savory or baked goods. Once Summer is over, it is the perfect addition to your Autumn and Winter recipes.

The number of lemons and the amount of vodka will vary depending on the size of your jar and what you have available.

  • Lemons (organic is best, but any will do) – enough to fill your jar a 3/4 of the way
  • Vodka – enough to cover 
  1. Wash and dry lemons.
  2. Use a paring knife, veggie peeler, or citrus zester to cut the yellow peel off the lemon. Try not to get too much of the pith (white part) as this part is more bitter.
  3. Fill the jar about 3/4 of the way with the peels, or zest then cover with vodka. Add a lid and shake well.
  4. Place the jar in a dark cabinet for 6-8  weeks or up to 6 months. Shake every few days for the first week or two, then occasionally after that.
  5. When the extract has reached the intensity you like, strain the peels out and pour the extract into a clean jar.
You can store it back in the cabinet or the fridge.