Sugar Waxing Recipe

Sugar waxing is an ancient method of removing body hair. It is said that sugar waxing originated in Ancient Egypt and was loved by yes  Cleopatra herself. It was considered clean and sanitary if body hair was removed. Today sugaring is gaining popularity as a less irritating, more natural, and long-lasting method of hair removal.

The sugaring wax is made by boiling sugar, water, and lemon together to create a paste. The sugar paste then sticks to the hair without attaching to the skin, making it less painful than regular waxing.

With sugaring there is little to no irritation, little to no in-grown hairs, the skin is left smooth and bright with a gentle exfoliation, and the hair grows back softer.

Sugar Wax Recipe

  • 1 cup Sugar (white sugar is best)
  • ¼ cup Lemon Juice (vinegar can be used but isn’t as pleasant smelling)
  • ¼ cup Water
  1. Add all ingredients to a small pot and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. This gets very hot so please avoid getting the mixture on your skin.
  1. Use a candy thermometer to check the temperature. A Soft or Firm Paste is recommended depending on your preference.
  • Soft Strip Wax = 230-235 F
  • Soft Sugar Paste = 235-240 F
  • Firm Sugar Paste = 245-250 F
  • Hard Sugar Paste = 250-260 F (better for hotter climates)
  1. Allow cooling for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Once cooled, transfer to a bowl.
  • The wax can be used on any part of the body, including the bikini, underarms, upper lip, and legs.
  • Sugar waxing should last 3-4 weeks, depending on how fast your hair grows.
  • Store any leftover homemade sugar wax in a glass jar.

Pre-Waxing Prep

  1. Exfoliate the skin 24-48 hours prior to waxing, specifically on the areas you are planning on waxing. Doing this will get rid of dead skin cells, dirt, and impurities. Avoid exfoliating the same day as this will make the skin more sensitive.

Types of exfoliation methods: Pumice Soap, Coffee Scrub, Salt/Sugar Scrub, Exfoliation Glove, Loofah.

Using The Sugar Wax

  1. Place some arrowroot, cornstarch, or tapioca starch on the area to be waxed. This will eliminate sweat and/or oil that may prevent the wax from sticking.
  2. Using a wooden spoon/stick, or your hands, grab a small amount of the sugar wax from your dish. Roll between your hands and form a ball.
  3. Apply the wax by pressing the ball down to flatten onto the area you want to be waxed. Pushing the wax in the opposite way of your hair growth. Press and smooth it into your skin 2-3 times and then hold the skin taut and tug quickly in the opposite direction. Re-use the same ball of wax several times and then discard it when you are finished with it.
  4. If there is any leftover wax on your skin, use a soft cloth and warm water to remove the excess.
  5. Wipe the area with witch hazel or aloe if you have it on hand.
  • If you are using it on your face, cleanse your face by doing a face mask mixed with apple cider vinegar first.
  • If you are doing your underarms, apply some arrowroot or cornstarch after since deodorant is not recommended immediately after.
  • For 24 hours after waxing, avoid hot baths, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and tanning beds.
  1. Exfoliate the area again after a few days have passed to minimize the potential of ingrown hairs.

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Happy Waxing ❤