What’s the secret to beautiful glowing skin? A good skincare routine in conjunction with good eating habits!
Using the right skincare products that are all-natural and aren’t made with harsh chemicals will make a big difference long-term. Chemicals in our skin and body care products, as well as many other products, increase our toxic load as they seep into your skin and burden your liver, which will begin to affect your skin and glow.
Natural products are made with natural beauty oils, butters, and botanicals that nourish your skin with the freshest ingredients. Since many natural products aren’t watered down they are generally highly concentrated formulas and a little goes a long way.
Reducing your toxic load with food also helps with that inner glow that shows up on your beautiful face! Preservatives and additives are found in many foods these days, so the more whole you can keep it the easier it will be to maintain a radiant vibrant glow, and for your overall health and vitality.
A congested liver cannot cleanse the blood, and this may manifest on the skin as irritation, a dull complexion, eczema, and breakouts.
Here is a list of foods to be aware of that could potentially be putting a burden on your liver, skin, and your hormones:
High to moderate oxalate foods, alcohol, caffeine, canned foods lined with BPA, dairy, fried foods, gluten, grilled foods, processed meats, pesticide-sprayed produce, processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, and sugar.
Now I’m not implying that you can’t ever indulge, but depending on your body’s level of current inflammation, skin issues, and joint pain, you may have to indulge less!
Here are some of the top foods found in the markets in the spring.
Artichokes (High in Oxalates) – High in fiber and supports liver and gallbladder health.
Arugula (Low in Oxalates) – Rich in vitamin K and chlorophyll, it is a detox booster and helps protect cells from DNA damage.
Asparagus (Moderate in Oxalates) – High in iron and folate as well as glutathione, a powerful antioxidant in antiaging.
Coconut (Low to no Oxalates) – Helps support your electrolyte balance. Coconut water has potassium, magnesium, sodium, and anti-aging selenium.
Dandelion Greens (Low in Oxalates) – Amazing liver and kidney support. Boosts digestion and reduces bloating. Very high in vitamin A for glowy skin.
Endive (Very high in Oxalates)– High in vitamin A and a detoxifying phytochemical that supports ovarian and breast health. Good for bile production and liver detox.
Garlic (Low in Oxalates) – Has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties and supports intestinal flora.
Green Beans (High in Oxalates) – Has highly absorbable silicon that strengthens connective tissue and promotes skin strength and elasticity.
Lemon (Low in Oxalates) – Liver-loving and full of collagen-building vitamin C. High in bioflavonoids that boost lymph flow and strengthen blood vessels.
Peas (Low in Oxalates) – High in protein essential for strong hair, nails, and collagen. Good source of B vitamins for healthy nervous system function.
Radish (Low in Oxalates) – High in vitamin C, sulfur, and silicon for glowy skin, strong nails & connective tissue. Reduces water retention & supports your liver.
Rhubarb (High in Oxalates) – Phytochemicals lycopene and quercetin that protect your skin from sun damage. Detoxifying food that supports liver & digestion.
Romaine Lettuce (Low in Oxalates) – High in vitamin A for smooth & youthful skin; folate for cell repair and silicon for strong skin, hair, and nails.
Spinach (High in Oxalates) – Vitamin A for glowy skin, glutathione for DNA and mitochondrial protection, regenerative vitamin C & iron, vitamin K & chlorophyll.
Sprouts (Moderate in Oxalates) – Sprouted seeds and beans are full of enzymes that improve digestion and are a great anti-aging nutrient.
Strawberries (Low in Oxalates) – High in collagen-boosting and free-radical fighting vitamin C. Helps with blood sugar balance & supports your mitochondria.
Sugar Snap Peas (Low in Oxalates) – Contains collagen-building vitamin C, protein, and iron. A great boost for skin, hair, and nails.
Watercress (Low in Oxalates) – Has anti-aging phytochemicals, defends against free radical damage, and lowers inflammation. Has a natural detox effect.